At Creations de Palm you can request web design, logo design, graphic design, audio & video design, 3D animations and photography.
Creations De Palm offers all-in-one package deals with unique designs. And every design is specific to your special need with 100% satisfaction guarantee.
How does it work?
Enjoy your product in 4 steps:
Step 1. Select the product of your choice.
Step 2. Submit your idea and wishes via the design form.
Step 3. Receive and accept an offer from Creations De Palm.
Step 4. Make the payment and receive your product.
- Payment is due when product is ready to deliver. You pay after completion of product. Some offers may require a down payment.
- By accepting the offer you are also agreeing to the terms and conditions.
Product & Pricing
Fill the de Design Form to request a product.
Product | Price |
Web design | From € 150 |
Graphic design | From € 25 |
Logo design | From € 25 |
Photogarphy & editing | € 25 per hour |
Audio & Video design | From € 150 |
3D animation | From € 150 |
All products are delivered digitally. After receiving and agreeing to your quote, your product is usually available within one week. In addition, I will communicate directly with you about the progress or any adjustments and the final result. If there are any questions or if you want more information about the product, you can contact me directly via whatsapp, facebook, twitter, instagram or contact form.
Web design

Web design serves a website like roots serve a plant. Plants use their roots to anchor themselves in the soil and provide the necessary nutrients to their leaves and achieve total growth. Just like a plant with strong roots, your website relies on good web design as a basis for keeping it alive and functioning properly.
Want to request a website or webshop click on the button below.
Package features
- Web design price
€ 363from € 150 - 100% satisfaction guarantee
- Professional website design
- Logo design (optional)
- Responsive for all devices
- CMS (wordpress)
- your own login acount
- Unlimited pages and images
- Contact form and google maps
- Blog & volg page
- Social media icon linking
- All in one SEO
- Google friendly
- Mobile friendly
- Security software
- Multi-revision
- domain email
- Maintenance services and support € 25 per operation
- Hosting & domain name €5 monthly (optional)
Graphic design

A good graphic design can help you develop trust in your company or the products you offer. It can also make an important contribution to increasing brand development and recognition. Your presence on the internet, and how that presence looks, is crucial in a fierce market. Depending on the type of image you want to display, a graphic design can evoke different answers. They can keep your company and products youthful and energetic or erratic and fun.
Are you interested in Graphics or a great Logo for you business. Click on the button below.
Package features
- Graphic design price
€ 61from € 25 - Or Logo design price
€ 61from € 25 - Flyers, Posters, Catalogs, Books, Illustrations, Infographic
- Magazine, Newspaper ads, Banners, Brochures, Gifs
- Signage and trade show displays, Email marketing templates
- Menus, PowerPoint presentations, Social media ads
- Animated logos, Packaging graphic design
- Business cards, Postcards, Concept art and more
- Marketing & advertising graphic design
- Images for websites and blogs
- Only digtital
- Not Printed
- All desired formats (png,jpg,pdf,psd,ai,gif,tiff,indd,raw, exc.)
- Multi revisions
We usually rate a photo as ‘beautiful’. Or “interesting.” It is of course very good if your photo is labeled as one of the two. Sometimes it is a nice compliment when someone asks: “what is the story behind this?” Or even better, when they can extract a story from your photo themselves. To achieve this, you can set off with the search for a story in your mind. That’s why I try to use your photos for storytelling.
Do you need a photographer to shoot some awesome photo’s and also add some great effects? Click on the button below.
Package features
- Photography price
€ 61€ 25 per hour - Photo editing
- Only digital
- Not printed
- 1 free USB stick
- Maximum of 500 photos
- Special editing effects for € 25
- Traveling costs not included
Audio & Video design
What is that special “it” factor that makes some companies more attractive than others? In a perfect world you would post a tweet or an advertisement and customers would immediately go to your store or website. However, in the world of marketing you have to do some very specific things to make an impact and the first thing is storytelling to attract the attention of potential customers. And this through video images.
Click on the button below to request audio or video editing. We also do full concepting, scripting and all 7 stages of filming production.
Package features
- Audio & visual design price
€ 182from € 150 - Written script & senarios
- Concept art and storyboard
- Audio and sound effects
- Special effects and after effects
- Multi revisions
- Rendering and editing
- All desired formats (mp4,mov,avi,wav,mpg,flv,nsv,3gp,asf,wmv, exc.)
- Traveling costs not included
3D animation
I believe that magical things happen when my creative skills are combined with the alchemy of your business ideas. As a 3D animator, I create visual excitement for your brand through 3D graphics, VFX tools, and unparalleled interactivity to help your customers sit up and see the spectacle that unfolds before their eyes!
Click on the button below to request your 3D Animation!
Package features
- 3D animation price
€ 605from € 150 - 3D images
- Modeling
- Texuring
- Skinning
- Animation
- Sound effects
- Rendering
- Only digital
- No 3D printing
- Multi revision
- All desired formats (stl,obj,fbx,dae,3ds,iges,step,vrml,x3d, exc.)